Once you complete your 30 hour time requirement, pass the final exam and receive your certificate of completion in the mail, you can schedule an appointment at your local DMV office (https://dmv.ca.gov/foa/welcome.do?localeName=en) to take the written exam for your learner’s permit. Be sure to bring your certificate of completion for drivers ed to the DMV, as you must show it in order to take the test. You must be at least 15.5 years old to take the written exam.

When you pass the written exam at the DMV you will receive your learner’s permit. You’ll then need to sign up with a professional driving instructor for 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training.

Once you have started training with the driving instructor and he/she has signed your permit, you can then begin practicing with your parents or another licensed driver over the age of 25. You do not need to complete the full 6 hours of professional training before beginning practice with your parent(s). With your parent (or other licensed driver age 25 or older), you will need to complete 50 hours of driving practice including 10 hours at night.

After you have completed 6 hours of training with a professional driving instructor, 50 hours with a licensed adult over 25, held your learner’s permit for at least 6 months and are at least 16 years old, you can take your driving test for your license at the DMV.

You can find more information about testing at the DMV here: https://dmv.ca.gov/dl/dl_info.htm#PERMINOR